tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 17 22:34:55 2000

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Re: paq munob? don't think so

>You could also say {jIHvaD paq nob} ("He gives a book for me"). I prefer
>{jIHvaD paq nob} over {paq munob}, because the prefix won't always tell
>explicitly who is getting the book.

The "prefix trick" only works when there's an explicit object noun that
differs from the object specified in the prefix.  That basically requires
that the object be third person while the prefix indicates first or second
person.  In such a case, the recipient *is* explicitly identified.  It's
either the person speaking or the person being spoken to.

I too prefer the {-vaD} structure, at least when writing.  I've not yet had
enough experience with casual conversation to know whether the prefix trick
is a comfortable option for me.

[I *have* discovered that Clipped Klingon does seem pretty natural in some
informal contexts, mostly when I'm certain the people I'm addressing
already know "proper" Klingon and will recognize that I'm leaving off
prefixes intentionally.]

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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