tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Sep 16 12:28:32 2000

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Re: Daj

ghItlh lay'tel SIvten

>> >TKD says {Daj} means "be interesting", not "be interesting 
>>  >to (someone)". 
>On the other hand, "be interesting" can be interpreted as a form of "to 
>interest", which, at least in English, does take a direct object.  Hence, 
>[muDajchoH] would mean "it began to interest me".  >Comments?

No, it can't.  "to be interesting" is intransitive and "to interest" is transitive; they aren't equivalents at all.

Transitivity and intransitivity aren't marked at all in the Klingon verb; both types of verbs have the same morphology (as in English).  Our only true guide is MO's definitions in TKD.  He is strictly consistent in using "to be X" to refer to intransitive descriptive verbs.  

-- ter'eS  

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