tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Sep 09 19:52:39 2000

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RE: [KLBC] A is like B

jatlh Tremal:

> I want to say something like:
> 	Kill you is like kill a targh
> Is right:
> 	DaHoHlu' 'e' rur targh HoHlu'
> ??
You can't use a sentence as the subject of another sentence. In this case,
you're trying to use {targh HoHlu'} ("The targh is killed") as the subject
of the whole sentence. However, it's an entire sentence by itself, so you'll
have to recast it.

> or I must recast the sentence?
That's probably the best choice here. You could recast "Killing you is like
killing a targh" as something like:

{targh vIHoHmeH Qu' rur qaHoHmeH Qu'} ("The task of killing you resembles
the task of killing a targh")

Here, {targh vIHoHmeH Qu'} means "the in-order-that-I-kill-a-targh task", or
more simply, "The task of killing a targh".

{qaHoHmeH Qu'} means "the in-order-that-I-kill-you task", or more simply,
"The task of killing you".

You suggested recasting the sentence as:

> targh HoHlu'bogh rur SoH'e' DaHoHlu'bogh (but this example is not like
> the original phrase).
Since the subject of the verb {rur} ("resemble") is {SoH} ("you"), the verb
needs the {Da-} prefix to indicate that the subject is {SoH}.
So your recasted sentence should be:

{targh HoHlu'bogh Darur SoH'e' DaHoHlu'bogh}

which is made up of the following:
{targh HoHlu'bogh} ("A targh which is killed")
{Darur} ("you resemble it")
{SoH'e' DaHoHlu'bogh} ("You who are killed")

This rewording could work. As you pointed out, though, it's not exactly the
same meaning. It actually means "You who are killed resemble a targh which
is killed", or more simply, "A killed you is like a killed targh".

- taD

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