tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 04 13:25:03 2000

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RE: KLBC: nuq as object

jIjatlh jIH:

>  As often is the case in Klingon, you might prefer to be more direct and
>  simply say
>  {Soj DaneHbogh yIngu'!} - Identify the food/drink which you want!
>   >>
jang Xardana:

> Additionally, if {nuq DaSop DaneH} is OK, would {nuq Sop puq neH SoSDaj}
> be 
> OK too?  I got some argument from somebody.
Yep, {nuq Sop puq neH SoSDaj} is good also.

> Would I be forced to rearrange the sentence in Klingon and always make it
> a 
> command such as {Soj Sopbogh puq 'ej neHbogh SoSDaj yIngu'!}
You wouldn't necessarily have to make a command, although sometimes it might
clearer. When you used {'ej} to connect the 2 verbs, you're saying "Identify
the food that the child eats and that the mother wants."
Also, to make it clear whether the mother wants the food or the child, you
can add the noun suffix {-'e'} onto Soj to make it unambiguous.

{Soj'e' Sopbogh puq neHbogh SoSDaj yIngu'}

Rereading this sentence, it looks to me like you could also interpret it to
mean "Identify the food that the child eats that the mother wants," which
isn't quite what you mean. So in this case, I would go with the original
{nuq Sop puq neH SoSDaj}.

- taD

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