tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 03 11:14:02 2000

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RE: KLBC: nuq as object

jatlh Xardana:

> Some people have been telling me I can't say "nuq DaSop DaneH" and "nuq 
> Datlhutlh DaneH" because of the problem of a question word being in the
> first 
> sentence of a two-sentence construction.
> Please tell me what is okay.
To me, these examples seem fine to use. I understand what you mean, and to
me they don't sound awkward. TKD says that for the question words {'Iv} and
{nuq}, they just go in the place where the answer would go. Since the
statement answering the question would be {qagh vISop vIneH}, the question
would be {nuq DaSop DaneH?}

As I understand it, some people feel that if the first sentence is a
question, then when the second sentence refers back to it, it refers to the
answer. So if someone was looking at it with this perspective, then they
might interpret {nuq DaSop DaneH?} as "What do you eat? You want that"; or
"You want whatever you eat" where "whatever you eat" is the answer to {nuq
DaSop}. Since I'm not a proponent of this idea, my explanation here might
not be the best one. Suffice to say, if you say {nuq DaSop DaneH}, a Klingon
speaker would understand you.

As often is the case in Klingon, you might prefer to be more direct and
simply say
{Soj DaneHbogh yIngu'!} - Identify the food/drink which you want!


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