tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 29 16:24:20 1998

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Another question

I have noticed that there seems to be some debate on using -'e' to flag 
the head noun in a relative clause. This doesn't seem to be a problem, 
unless you use a pronoun as a verb, in which case the subject gets a 
Let's say I want to write "The Terran is the officer who got hit by the 
How would I do that?

1. Don't flag the head noun and hope there's no confusion:
yaS qIpbogh meb ghaH tera'ngan'e'.
(Is it "The Terran is the guest who hit the officer." or "The Terran is 
the officer who got hit by the guest."?)

2. Flag both the head noun and the subject. (I haven't seen any rule 
saying that a sentence can't have two topics, although it would probably 
not be a very well-formed sentence.)
yaS'e' qIpbogh meb ghaH tera'ngan'e'.

3. Move to Morska and not have to use the -'e' on the subject.* :)
yaS'e' qIpbogh meb ghaH tera'ngan.

*(In Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, Mr. Okrand says in the Morskan 
dialect you don't have to use the -'e' on the subject for sentences like 
that. Hehehehe.)

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