tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 29 00:22:19 1998

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KLBC: Postal Course


    tlhIngan Hol ghojmoHghach vIghaj
    I have the Klingon Language Lessons

'ach pawmeH ghochDaq nI'qu' <snail mail>
but <snail mail> takes too long to arrive.

    jISIv, tlhIngan Hol ghojmoHghach vIjangta'DI',
DalughmoHmeH SoH vIlI'laH'a'?
    I wonder, after I've have answered the lessons,
could I send them to you for correction?

    jabbI'IDghom vIlI'laHbe' 'e' jISov
    I know that I cannot send them to the list

jabbI'IDghomDaq QIn vIlaDtaHmo'.
because I read it on one of the list's posts.

ghojmoHghach DalughmoHqang 'e' bIjatlhta' 'e' vISov je
I also know that you said that you were willing to
correct lessons

    {mu'tlheghvetlh chaw''a'?}
    (is that sentence allowed?)

'ach wa'DIch qaghelnIS 'e' vIQubta'
but I thought I should ask first.

ghorgh <-ta'> vIlo'nIS? 'ej ghorgh <-pu'> vIlo'nIS?
When should I use <-ta'> as opposed to <-pu'>?

Dung mu'tlheghmeyDaq jIghItlhta', nuqDaq lo' <-ta'> QaQ law'
<-pu'> qab puS?
In the sentences above, where would the use of <-ta'> be better
than <-pu'>? (and vice-versa)

choyaj 'e' jItul  }}:)
I hope you understand me.


-=* QoreQ *=-

         __/¯¯|||||   |||||   |||||¯¯\__
      _/¯    <_____> <_____> <_____>    ¯\_
    _/   __      ___-=Qº®ëQ=-___      __   \_
   / _/¯¯_/   _/¯   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   ¯\_   \_¯¯\_ \
  |/¯   /  _/¯ [email protected] ¯\_  \   ¯\|
  ´    |/¯¯  --Sov wISuq  wIyu'DI'--  ¯¯\|    `
       ´         -ICQ# 20242873-         `

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