tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 27 02:35:59 1998

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Sci-Fi Channel/Nov 30

|I hope to God someone out there in TV land has the Hardware, Presence of
|Mind and GENUINE COMPASSION to make copies available for those not
|enough to be blessed with U.S. cable.
|Really. I mean it.  If I still had access to a TV Studio/Editing board I
|would do it and make copies for everyone. But I don't - I don't even have
|full time access to a TV - and I'm sure there are others out there like me.
|(Hey - the troops in the EC will need PAL versions too... any takers?)
|A tape of this would be INVALUABLE for qepHommey.
|Bryan Potratz - lomqa'

Hello! I would dearly appreciate being able to see this show, but as I live
in the UK, *and* have to rely on terrestrial television, it looks like an


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