tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 27 02:35:54 1998

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KLBC : HIja' and HISlaH

I'm not sure whether this a common query or not, but I'd appreciate

As a beginner, among the very first words that I have learnt, are *yes* and
*no*, or _HIja'_ and _ghobe'_ , I am confused as to the number of words (2)
for yes.

What is the significance of the name *rIymuS* in the tlhIngan mu'ghom? Does
it have something to do with Romulans?

Qapla' !       ____
ŻŻŻŻŻŻ      /Arlen\
P.S. I just thought of something *really* cool, if not somewhat hopeful.
With all of you exalted speakers of the tlhIngan Hol, imagine if Paramount
wanted to make a movie (or series episode) that featured a whole gang of
honoured Klingons? What we have here is a virtual reservoir of beings who
make speaking the "Warriors Tongue" a serious hobby, or even an occupation,
if Paramount were cool (hmm) then they could put all of you in a movie, and
save time on teaching actors how to pronounce the language. Only in dreams

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