tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 26 18:21:50 1998

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Just to let you all know what's up......

    Hey guys!!!! It's me!! yeah I know I haven't written you all in like
days and stuff but it's all groovie..... this is just to let you all know
that I'm going to be leaving the college as of the 27th!!! which is today!!!
woohoooo!!!!! so I won't have email for a few days probably or maybe more
all depending on whether the new job is going to give me access right away
anyways point being is that I'm not sure what my new address will be just
yet but if you want to reach me until then you can get me via snail mail or
phone which I'll have down the bottom.
    As usual I promise to write more when I finally get the new address and
I'll let you all know when I get it groovie?? talk to you all soon!!

Snail Mail:
                    Mike Burrows
                    Camalo Cottage
                    #4 Loyalty Estates
                    Mangrove Bay, Somerset
Phone #'s:
                Home; (441) 234-1897
                        or  -->        (441) 234-0656

                Work;    Actually I'm not sure what the hell the new work
number is... nevermind....


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