tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 26 15:54:36 1998

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Re: RE:

ghItlh SuStel:

>While this certainly works, I've found (and this is entirly my own opinion)
>that such rhetorical questions become very tiresome to read. To me, it
>simply seems the ultimate in un-Klingon things to do, asking a question
>you know perfectly well what the answer is, just so you can find a
>grammatical way to state it.
>Such questions ("I know why the officer killed the coward") are really
>stating two things: "The officer killed the coward," and "I know the
>reason." In the simplest, non-context sentence, you can simply state these.
>{nuch HoH yaS. meq vISov.}


<bom toQ jonta'bogh 'ej meq vIyaj> - perhaps better than the above for "I
know why the caged bird sings"? As SuStel wisely says:

>I recommend not relying on such formulae.

maQochbe'qu'. Formulae limit the translator, like a low resolution limits
your monitor's ability to display realistic images. It is a help only to
understand _a_ way to do it - once the concept is grasped, throw the formula
aside and communicate as purely in tlhIngan Hol as possible.


P.S. qaStaHvIS loS jaj jIvumnISbe'mo' jItlho'. tlho'meH jajvam yItIv.

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