tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 20 20:38:46 1998

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Re: (no subject)

>> wa'. Can you use questions as sentences for use with 'e'?
>> as in the following: 
>> qatlh nuch HoH yaS 'e' vISov. (I know why the officer killed the 
>> coward.)
>Wow. Quite a choice for a first question. There has been a lot of debate on
>this issue, and positions range from Captain Krankor's unequivocal "yes,
>what's the problem?" to charghwI''s vhement "no". Marc Okrand, who created
>the language and is the only one who can say for sure, tends to be rather
>evasive on the subject, but I believe he has indicated that it probably
>doesn't work, and that he needs to think more on the subject.
>In any case, it is best just to avoid it until we know for certain.

MO said that "questions" can not be used as objects; but at this time it is
not certain if question words can act as ?relative pronouns? (do I have the
right term here?).

So, like the advice you gave... for now don't do it.  Recast the sentence.

(But if Qanqor used it speaking to me, I wouldn't say anything about it.
Heck, people butcher english everyday.)


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