tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 23 08:04:17 1998

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"The noun conjunction {je} has an additional function:
when it follows a verb, it means "also, too".  TKD 55.

    But, if I say:

"The boy is clever and his sister too" {val loDHom 'ej val be'nI'Daj je}

Can the conjunction {je} follow the noun instead of verb?
Or I must say {val loDHom be'nI'Daj je}.

And an other sentence, pehaps a bit ambiguious:
{pu'HIch qengtaHbogh 'avwI'vaD taj nob loDHom 'ej jIH je}
"The boy gave the knife to the guard which is carring the 
phaser pistol and me too"


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