tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 16 10:31:24 1998

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lab Kacie Landrum:
> I just recently started learning tlhIngan Hol, and I decided 
> to keep a log to record my progress.  Here's my first entry:
> HogH num:

<H> is always capitalized when it is a letter in its own right, but when it
is part of a <ch>, <gh>, or <tlh> combination, it is never capitalized.

I'm not sure what you mean here by <num>. If you mean "week one", that would
be <Hogh wa'>. See TKD section 5.2 on numbers for more.

> 	*jIHqeq 'ay'wej,  "The Klingon Dictionary".

The first correction is pretty simple: <'ay'> and <wej> should be two
separate words, and not stuck together.

The main thing here is the sentence structure. I can see you have not yet
gotten to chapters 4 (verbs) or 6 (syntax) yet. You really need to read both
of these a few times before you can write sentences.

Basic Klingon sentence order is object-verb-subject. You also have to put
the proper prefix on the verb. The prefix matches the person (I vs. you vs.
he/she/it) and number (singular or plural) of both the subject and object.
There is a table on page 33. The proper prefix for your sentence is <vI->,
so what you wind up with is:

'ay' wej vIqeq.

> 	*jIHmuv tlhIngan Hol ghom.

We generally refer to the mailing list as <jabbI'IDghom>. Your use of just
plain <ghom> is fine, but I wanted you to be aware of the term we use here.

Same comments as above on the sentence structure.

tlhIngan Hol jabbI'IDghom vImuv.

> Lesson One:
> 	*Practiced Ch. 3, "TKD".
> 	*Joined <tlhIngan Hol> mailing list.
> 	I am also going to create a self-test for Ch. 3 in TKD 
> if anyone would be interested in taking it.
> 	The name I would prefer for this list would be 
> 'storyteller', but I can't find that or an equivalent in 
> the dictionary.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

"storyteller" would literally be <lut ja'wI'> - "one who tells stories".

> Qapla'!

Beginners' Grammarian

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