tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 06 13:08:56 1998

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RE: KLBC -- Glass eating!


  I live in a college dorm, and there is a posting up which has "I eat
glass, it does not hurt me" in many different languages; unfortunately,
I can't find a Klingon word for glass (I assume they would be able to
discover the process of making glass...).

   Here's how I've translated it:

	Dochmey jej vISoplaH, mu'oy'be'
	I am able to eat sharp things, they do not hurt me.

  How's this?  The sentence probably should have a semi-colon instead of 
of a comma, but that's how it's posted on the hallway.  Is there a word
for glass in Klingon? I would like to possibly get this put alongside the
others 8-)

				(tlhIngan pong'a' vIneH!
				 I want a good Klingon name (?)...)

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