tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 24 14:12:05 1998

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Re: Okrand: English "in/on" vs. Klingon {-Daq}

From: Nathan Grange <[email protected]>

>surely its enough to say
>vIvoq *God*  or
>wIvoq *God*
>wIHar *whatever*

You have the right idea.  Find a verb which already contains the idea of
whatever English preposition you started with.  "We trust God" means the
same thing as "We trust in God," though the second sentence tends to be used
in more formal situations.

However, be careful with your grammar!  In Klingon, the object of the
sentence (in this case, "God") comes *before* the verb, and the subject
after.  Thus,

*God* vIvoq.
I trust God.

*God* wIvoq.
We trust God.

<whatever> wIHar.
We believe <whatever>.

Study section 6 in The Klingon Dictionary for more on Klingon sentence

Stardate 98228.2

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