tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 11 14:56:02 1998

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RE: puqloDwI' lut

majQa'! reH jabbI'IDlIj lururbogh jabbI'ID'e' vIlaD 'e' vItIv. tlhIngan
Hol Dalo'taHvIS, ghu' DaDelchu'. yIlabtaH!

This message was not marked as KLBC, so I am going to jump in and take a
swing at it. The grammar is quite good, but I will make a few

ghItlh SI'IluD:
> qaStaHvIS Hogh jajmey Qab, HatlhDaq raQ wIchenmoH puqloDwI' 
> jIH je. *Boy Scout* chu' 'oH.

jIgheSnIS: nIteb Hatlh boDan'a'? lItlhej'a' latlh loDHom nejwI'pu'?

> puqloDwI' vIHemqu'. 

<puqloDwI'mo' jIHemqu'>. {Hem} is "be proud", not "be proud of", so I
don't believe it can be used transitively.

> vut, Say'moH, taH. 

chay' taH? loQ mumISmoH mu'tlheghvam. Also, if you are talking about
both of you, you need to add a prefix. If it is just your son or your
son and the other scouts, the null prefix is OK.

> SIS 'ej bIr 'ach bepbe'. yIQchoH Hoch 'ach bepbe'. tlhegh lo' 'e'

He learned that he uses rope? I suspect he learned how to tie knots. Try
something like <tlhegh mIw ghoj> or <baghmeH mIw ghoj>.

> wa'DIch boQ ghoj je.

"He also learned first aid." First off, the ordinal wa'DIch goes after
the noun boQ. Second, "first aid" is pretty idiomatic to English. Think
about what he really learned and describe that. Perhaps <pIvmoHmeH
mIwHommey> or <porgh tI'meH mIwHommey>; I'm sure you can come up with
something better.

> wImejpa' bong puqloDwI' yeb qIp latlh loDHom 
> 'ej rIQmoH. 

<mamejpa'> vImaS. The <it> implied by {wI-} could be the camp, but it's
probably better to go with the no-object prefix {ma-}.

> yoHqu' puqloDwI'. SaQbe'. yebDaj ghorbe' latlh. 'IQ 
> puqloDwI'. qatlh? yebDaj qatbe' Qel!

loDna' mojlI' puqloDlI'. wanI'vam qaSmoHtaH 'e' nID Hoch vav. bIQaplI'.


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