tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 02 14:10:32 1998

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taH yargh lut

Here continues the simple (it getting harder) story of yargh, the waiter.  The
purpose of this story has been to teach Klingon to my qepHom (we now have 47
students, some of whom have tried only once!  some of whom are doing quite
well).  The story introduces one word at a time, one concept at a time.  In
this (revised) section we get Noun Series, aka possessives or occasional
compound nouns.  We also encounter {-taH} "continuing".


Qe' 'el yaS jup
yaS Daq ghoS yaS jup     ba'
loj yaS Soj
loj je yaS HIq
chImchu' yaS HIvje'
HIvje' woH yaS jup 'ej uch
raS moq yaS jup 'ej jach     jabwI'

moD yargh 'ej yaSpu' raS ghoS
HIq bal qem yargh
latlh HIvje' qem je yargh
HIq qang yargh vaj HIq lutlhutlhqa' yaSpu'

ba'taH yaSpu' 'ej HIq lutlhutlhtaH
ba'taH je nov 'ej naH SoptaH 'ej bIQ tlhutlhtaH
Qe' 'eltaH latlh loDpu'     ba'
Qe' 'eltaH lath be'pu'     ba'
Hoch ghoS yargh 'ej jatlh     nuqneH
qagh HIq je poQ Hoch tlhIngan
bIQ poQ pagh tlhIngan
HoSqu' tlhIngan 'ej Dojqu'
Qub yargh     novpu' vIpar
'ach tlhInganpu' vIparHa'

rIn 'ay'


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