tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 30 00:50:24 1998

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Re: suffixes in comparative sentences, etc

  Alan Anderson <[email protected]>
> What is a "mood-altering suffix"? ...

  Sorry. I was meaning `mood' as in Latin etc grammar book.

> *I* would do it like this:  DujwIj tIn law' matlh Duj tIn puS net tu'ba'.

> Tell me something, Anthony. Why do you care about this particular query? ...

  Sorry. Sorry. I wasn't wanting to make a big issue of it. I was just vaguely
wondering. Thank you for the above solution:
  {<comparative sentence> net tu'<suffixes>}.

I am sorry if I caused annoyance by using -ghach in {ghunghach} for "computer
program" a day or two ago; but what <is> the correct word? I suppose I could
avoid the word: {De'wI' vIghunpu', <what the program makes the computer do,
with -meH on its main verb>}; but then how to say: "that program is called
TYPECASE"? I guess Okrand <might> have put a noun **{ghun} here, if he had
needed a word for "program"; but that is supposition until someone asks him
about it.

  PS: TYPECASE-wIj neH 'Iv? 'oH vIlablo', PKUNZIP ghajchugh HevwI'.

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