tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 29 20:46:27 1998

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Re: Question from a newbie

    Greetings Mr. Hahn!

>I'm a musician and very interested in non-standard tuning
>systems, so when I read that tlhIngan music was based on a different
>scale than human, I was intrigued.

    I'm a musician too and I was intrigued too when I saw
that the first and last notes were the same.

>However, I'm a bit confused by one thing: MO calls the tlhIngan scale
>nonatonic (i.e. nine tones to the octave), but what he then actually
>describes is an _octa_tonic scale, since the ninth note duplicates the
>first.  Has anybody ever asked him to clarify this?  Or should I just go
>by the description and chalk up the incorrect use of the term
>"nonatonic" to MO's unfamiliarity with standard musical usage?

    Although the oriental scales uses some "comas" - the division
of half tone (I don't know the correct term in english), for me
MO don't know much about music to create the klingon songs. 
The most of klingon music that I heard on Klingon movies uses
the ocidental scales and traditional 7 notes  ;-)

    Unfortunatly, MO didn't give us the frequences of the notes,
then we have to imagine how the klingon musics are. I wrote the
first part of a klingon requiem for 3 male voices based on
Renascence period and sent to Mr. Baron song project. 

Eduardo Fonseca || Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Pau Brasil: The brazilian's VGA Planets home page
Hovmey DIvan

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