tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jun 25 06:16:20 1998

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Re: Verbs of saying

From: Steven Boozer <[email protected]>

>Note that verbs of saying *can* take direct objects, but that quotations
>not considered direct objects in Klingon and simply follow or preceed a
>without an obect prefix.

Almost correct.  Quotations are not considered objects (of any kind), and
simply follow or preceed the sentence containing the verb of saying.  This
verb will take a verb prefix appropriate to any object it may have.

For instance,

jIjatlh jI'oj.
I said, "I'm thirsty."

jI'oj jIjatlh.
I said, "I'm thirsty."

SoHvaD jIjatlh jI'oj.
I said to you, "I'm thirsty."

jI'oj SoHvaD jIjatlh.
I said to you, "I'm thirsty."

qajatlh jI'oj.
jI'oj qajatlh.
I told you I'm thirsty.

qaja' jI'oj.
jI'oj qaja'.
I told you I'm thirsty.

If I may take this one step further, I'll also point out that there's
nothing we know of preventing the verb of saying to take some other sort of
object and still use a quotation (in fact, there's some evidence for it).
We can also end up with constructions like:

tlhIngan Hol vIjatlh jI'oj.
I said "I'm thirsty" in Klingon.
(Literally, "I speak Klingon, 'I'm thirsty.'")

This sort of thing may or may not be allowed.

Stardate 98480.6

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