tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jun 14 21:10:10 1998

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Re: SuvwI'bom

ja' SuStel:
>A brief suggestion: in Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, we learn that
>{SuvwI'} refers to a specific warrior, and {vaj} refers to the concept of a
>warrior.  If Olaf's song is about a specific warrior, {SuvwI' bom} works
>fine.  If his song is a song about "warrior-ness," or what it is to be a
>warrior, or some similar concept, {vaj bom} would be better.

The particular song being discussed here is identified in KGT (page 175)
as "The Warrior's Anthem" or {SuvwI' van bom}.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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