tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 02 07:22:19 1998

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Re: SuvwI'bom

From: Qov <[email protected]>

>}SuvwI'bom oH
>t a Warriorsong?
>You may not leave the {'} off {'oH} any more than you may leave the "i" off
>"it."  And there is no need to concatenate the two words.  {SuvwI' bom 'oH}
>"It's a warrior song" is fine.

A brief suggestion: in Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, we learn that
{SuvwI'} refers to a specific warrior, and {vaj} refers to the concept of a
warrior.  If Olaf's song is about a specific warrior, {SuvwI' bom} works
fine.  If his song is a song about "warrior-ness," or what it is to be a
warrior, or some similar concept, {vaj bom} would be better.

Stardate 98419.1

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