tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jun 02 08:30:31 1998

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Re: Beginner's questions

:qronaH wrote:
: }First, to help my understanding/learning of tlhIngan Hol, I am trying to
: }out all the phrases and words used in the tape Conversational Klingon.
: }most of the words and phrases is simple since the english is given making
: }looking up the correct tlhIngan simple. However, I'm having trouble with the
: }very beginning of the tape (the intro scene rendered in tlhIngan Hol...which
: }starts out with "tujqu'choH QuQ"). While I understand some of the phrases
: }uttered in the scene, I can't figure out most of the middle. Would anyone be
: }able to write down the whole scene with its translation?
: Time-honoured tradition says you give it your best shot, and we'll tell you
: how you did. :>  Besides, if I told you, I might get in trouble with
: Voragh's union.  
: Qov     [email protected]
Not if you hear something I didn't which I can use to improve my
transcription.  Since I have tinnitus, others' hearing is probably better
than mine, not to mention their audio equipment (mine is pretty basic).  

I'm always open to suggestions, particularly WRT to some of the throw-away
and background lines in the movies.  In ST6 especially, you'll notice that
the Klingon bit players (or the actors who dubbed their voices in
post-production) are constantly talking and muttering to each other in
tlhIngan Hol.  It's a nice effect which adds to the realism of the scenes on
Kronos One, the courtroom on Qo'noS, Rura' Pente and the Dakronh (Chang's
ship).  Okrand slipped some interesting bits in.  Unfortunately, since they
are only *background* lines, and somewhat muffled at that, it's very hard to
make them out clearly.  All suggestions are appreciated.

Qov is right, of course.  As a learning aid, qrontaH, I won't post any more
of the tape unless you first tell us what you heard and try to figure out
the grammar on your own.  Transcribing the two audiotapes is an excellent
way of learning the grammar and training your ear.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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