tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 01 19:29:30 1998

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Re: long weekend with MO

ja' SuStel:
>According to what DloraH has said, {SIS} DOES need a subject, and that the
>subject to any Klingon who's taken elementary science classes.  Just because
>you can elide the subject (something which most everyone thought to be true,
>anyway) doesn't mean that the subject is a sort of "default" subject.  It
>may even be that Klingons never do state the subject, but it seems like
>there still is one.  What exactly is it?

The useful information that I get is that the subject is *not* the thing
that falls from the sky; that would be the object.  Water does not rain
on your head; the sky (or weather or clouds or the Great Kradge of Kronos
or whatever the subject is) rains water on you.

I can live happily with the definite but unstated subject, now that I know
what its semantic role is.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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