tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 01 10:35:41 1998

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Re: List of Klingon fauna

>lung            loong           salamander-like, lizard-like, skink-like
> 				 creature; tail used as food; "dragon"

: bIQaghlaw'pu'.  Soj 'oH lung tlhuQ tetlhlIjDaq bIja'.  teHbe'!  Soj 'oH
: Duran lung DIr.  Soj 'oH Qaj tlhuQ.  'ach Soj 'oHbe'bej lung tlhuQ!
: chaq jImuj.  Soj 'oH lung tlhuQ'e KGTDaq ja''a' MO'?  teHqu'chugh HIja'.
: qoror

bIlugh; jImISlaw'.  

In my notes {toqvIr lung} appears as "Tokvirian skink (food animal) KGT" and
{Duran lung DIr} "Durani lizard skins (food) KCD".  Thus, some types of
{lung} are edible, which probably does include their tales though it's
nowhere explicitly stated.  I don't know why I confused it with {Qaj tlhuQ}
"kradge tail (type of food) KGT".  Dragonwolf will be relieved. 

qoror, you have KCD I believe.  What does it say about the {toqvIr lung}?
I'd like to annotate my notes with food notes from KCD (which I've never
seen).  In exchange, I'll swap you another bit of trivia about the {Qaj}
from STC's Expert Forum:

  Doq 'ej Qaj wuS rur 
  be orange/red and resemble kradge lips.
  ["The lips of the kradge are presumably a particular shade of brown." (STC
EF 2/98)]

I wonder if kradge lips are edible?


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