tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 20 22:27:47 1998

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Re: DuSaQqoqvetlh vIpar

Thursday, August 20, 1998


Dawut here, responding to Qov's reply to my sentences.

--Qov wrote: 
>Both /-pu'/ and /-ta'/ are perfective. Just as there is
>no way the English verb distinguishes deliberate from
>non-deliberate in any aspect, there is no way to show it
>in Klingon if you are not using an aspect suffix.
>Perfective does not indicate the completion/continuity
>of the action as the sentence is SAID, rather at the time
>the sentence is SET. Put it this way: if you said 
><DuSaQ muvta' loDnI'wI'> and I asked <ghorgh?> What would
>you answer? If your answer would be the time he joined the
>school, then don't use perfective. If your answer would be
>/DaH/ perfective would work, but the answer would be odd
>since he has since also quit. If your answer would be some
>time between his joining and now, then perfective would be
>appropriate, but I would wonder why you chose that time to
>set your sentence. 

vIyajchoH. I think I understand what you're saying. I see how the 
setting of the sentence affects whether or not the perfective is used,
and if so, which of the two to use. This would seem to be best as:
{DuSaQ muv loDnI'wI'} "my brother _joins/joined/will join_ the school."
Then my answer to your {ghorgh?} could be, {cha'Hu'}, {DaHjaj} or 

>If and when perfective is appropriate, choose between /-pu'/ and
>/-ta'/. If perfective is not appropriate and you wish to stress that
>he joined deliberately, then use the word /chIch/.

chIch DuSaQqoqvetlh wIbupmo', maQuch.
"Because we intentionally quit that so-called school, we are happy."

>>>/ma-/ - we-no object
>>>/wI-/ - we-3rd person singular object
>>>/DI-/ - we-3rd person plural object
>> Agreed. These should be: {DuSaQvetlhDaq juppu' chu' DIghompu'} and
>> *{'ach DuSaQvetlhDaq pagh wI'ghojpu'}.
>/wIghompu'/ - no verb prefix ends in /'/.

Absolutely. That was an unintentional typo. Sorry for any confusion.

>How about: /ghur jIHaDmeH poH/ 
>"The period of time for my studying will increase."

majQa'! pov mu'tlheghlIj. HIvqa' Qov pov. 

>Editors of English will fault you for writing "I have more time"
>without the other half of the comparative. 

By this you mean, "I have more time than ____", qar'a'?

>> tlhIngan Hol HaD vItIv.
>> "I enjoy the study of the Klingon language."
>Doing this to bait me? /HaD/ isn't a noun, best we know.

ghobe'. HIvqa' veqlargh! For some strange reason, at the time I
had it in mind that the verb, {HaD} "study", was one of the verbs
that also acted as a noun. I ought to have looked it up to verify.

yIvoq, 'ach yI'ol.
Trust, but verify.  
-TKW, p.186

Dawut (Dave)
[email protected]

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