tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 19 21:39:58 1998

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Re: DuSaQqoqvetlh vIpar

In a message dated 98-08-18 00:38:06 EDT, Qov answers:

<< > How do you differentiate between "DuSaQ" (n) meaning "school" and
 > meaning 'he cries for you" ? After reading the sentence, translating
 it, and
 > reading the translation, I figured out what was meant, but how do
 you tell
 > which is which?
 Just the way you distinguish between "unionized" meaning "not ionized"
 and "unionized" meaning "having formed a union" in English(1). 
 Context: the words around it.  /DuSaQ/ the verb would be in a
 different position in the sentence from the noun.  When you get used
 to the structure of Klingon sentences you will rarely mishear or
 misread nouns for identically spelled verbs.  Klingon word error is
 too rigid.

'ach tlhIngan Hol mu'ghomwIjDaq {cries for} 'oSbe' mu' {SaQ}
chaq "object of a sentence" ghajlaHbe' mu' {SaQ} qar'a'
chaq "He cries you" 'oS {DuSaQ}, 'ach meq 'angHa' wanI'vam
vaj manuDnIStaHbe'


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