tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 17 07:46:27 1998

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Re: Makah Battle Language

---Alan Anderson <[email protected]> wrote:
> Qov quotes:

> >> with "or it could be like Klingon battle language"!  
> >> I didn't get to
> >> ask him if he's a Klingonist.
> "Klingon battle language" is a John Ford concept, mentioned in his 
> novel "The Final Reflection" but never quite explained beyond being 
> quick and simple.  It's not perfectly comparable to "clipped
Klingon" > as it applies to tlhIngan Hol, but it's obviously based on
the first 
> few minutes of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, with commands being 
> given in quick, short syllables.

If I'd read TKD enough to absorb without memorizing the concepts (I
did, before I'd read The Final Reflection) I'd call Hol poD battle
language, too.  I will write and ask Galloway.

> Marc Okrand is a lucky man.  Few constructed languages are as 
> well-known
> as Klingon.  I often encounter a popular urban legend that more people
> speak Klingon than Esperanto -- which is obviously false, as there are
> *millions* of fluent Esperantists, and more like dozens of similarly
> fluent Klingonists.  But it's a wee bit more believable that more 
> people have heard of Klingon than have heard of Esperanto.

I've heard it this way, and this is a possibly verifiable (not that
I've made any attempt to verify it) statistic.  "There have been more
copies of The Klingon Dictionary sold since 1985 than Esperanto
dictionaries since 1885."  This neglects the fact that more people
have Klingon dictionaries that sit on their shelves looking pretty
than have Esperanto dictionaries performing the same task.

I don't believe there are millions of fluent Esperantists.  I'll bet
they're counting me, mi lernis paroli Esperanton kaj mi forgesis-chu'!

ghojmeH 'ej lIjmeH -- ngeDqu' Esperanto.


Qov - Beginners' Grammarian

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