tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 18 22:17:27 1998

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Quantifying fluent speakers

ja' Qov:
>I've heard it this way, and this is a possibly verifiable (not that
>I've made any attempt to verify it) statistic.  "There have been more
>copies of The Klingon Dictionary sold since 1985 than Esperanto
>dictionaries since 1885."  This neglects the fact that more people
>have Klingon dictionaries that sit on their shelves looking pretty
>than have Esperanto dictionaries performing the same task.

Several years ago, Pocket Books made it known that over a quarter of a
million copies of The Klingon Dictionary had been sold.  That's still
not as many Esperanto speakers as The World Almanac and Book of Facts
claims there are.  It has a list of languages with at least one million
speakers, and Esperanto is estimated to have on the order of two million.

>I don't believe there are millions of fluent Esperantists.  I'll bet
>they're counting me, mi lernis paroli Esperanton kaj mi forgesis-chu'!

I have no idea how they're counting.  I'm sure you'll look it up and
find out. :-)

>ghojmeH 'ej lIjmeH -- ngeDqu' Esperanto.

bicycle lIghlaHghach rurbe''a' Esperanto?  Daghojta'DI', not DalIj 'e' vIpIH.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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