tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 29 20:50:58 1996

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Re: KLBC: jIyajbe'

trI'Qal writes:
>>chaq HolQeD DalaDlaHbe', 'ach pIch DaghajtaH!
>>qaSpu' wa' jar wejlogh <-ghach> QIjlu'chu'.
>Hm... I'm not sure about this.  Would this be better as <qaStaHvIS wa' jar>?
>I'm having difficulty understanding this as it is.  {{:(

It was a compromised (in both senses of the word) translation.

I *really* wanted to say "during the past month", but the terrifically
appropriate {qaSpu'vIS wa' jar} unfortunately isn't legal grammar.  It
didn't quite get fixed when I decided to rephrase the idea, I'm afraid.
Does {qaStaHvIS jar rIn} make sense?

>>jabbI'IDghomDaq je De' lI' tu'lu'.  yIqIm!
>Unless I am mistaken, you are saying "There is also useful data on this
>list", right?  When you use <je> to mean "also", it has to go after the *verb*:

True, and I apologize.  I'm guilty of mistreating {je} as if it acted
like {neH}, an adverb-like word which *can* go after nouns.  My intended
idea was "There is useful information on the mailing list also."  Since
{je} doesn't work the way I want it to ;-), I can't express my focus this
way.  I can say what I want by making the sentence more active:
{De' lI' ngaS jabbI'IDghom'e'}.

>A very nice post... I hope all our beginners took the time to work their way
>through this posting!  Although it was a bit lengthy, it had many
>easy-to-understand sentences, and quite a few of the common words on the list.
>majQa', 'ej qatlho'qu'qa'neS, ghunchu'wI'oy!

SoH qatlho' jIH, jupoy.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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