tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 29 20:51:01 1996

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Re: An interesting Scrabble idea

SuStel writes:
>I just had an interesting thought.  If while playing Klingon Scrabble as we
>did at the qep'a' wejDIch, someone found a verb which they could make, and
>also noticed that they could add, say, {-Daq} to it, should that be allowed?

Quj'aHwIj'e' wIlo'chugh, qechvam vIchaw'Qo'.

If we were using *my* Scrabble set, I wouldn't permit it. :-)

>...{qIjDaq} [is] a perfectly legal word when it's preceeded by a
>noun, so would it be considered a legal word in its own right?

It's *only* a valid word in combination with a preceding noun.  I don't
consider it to have an independent meaning.  I might have to think this
through a bit, though; {-bogh} has a similar problem in that a headless
relative clause doesn't make sense either.

>As long as
>there are no other verb suffixes besides {-qu'}, it really is a word!

By the way, we've seen adjectival use of verbs with {-be'} also.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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