tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Sep 28 08:59:23 1996

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Re: KLBC: jIyajbe'

At 03:04 PM 9/3/96 -0700, Alan Anderson wrote:

Despite my plea when I became BG for experienced speakers to participate, I
am finding it to be rather rare that I have an post from an "experienced"
speaker  IN KLINGOn to hold up as an example for all our beginners.

qatlho'qu'bejneS jIH, ghunchu'wI'oy!

There are only a few things I can fault in this post... the first is the
sheer length of it.  I generally ask that KLBC posts be short, but,
considering the circumstances prompting this one, I am not protesting too
loudly. {{:)  The second is that you forgot to put one sentence to a
line--you had clear punctuation, and you did restrict how much you put on a
line, so that's okay, too.

>beHwI"av writes:
>[regarding the appropriate use of {-ghach}]
>>You can't blame me for not having the HolQeD, as I explained before I can't
>>get it...
>qapIchHa'meH yapbe' meqqoqvetlh. :-)

This is a very nice, clear use of -meH, and a good re-casting.  A note to
beginners:  you might see how to "parse" this better if you think of a comma
after the first word).

>HolQeD DaSuqlaHbe'chu''a'?  QI'tu' che' veqlargh vIHarpa'!
>KLI Damuvchugh, DaqlIjDaq HolQeD DaHevlaHbej.
>rapqu' mIw.  "address" HuchHom je neH DaghajnIS.
>lo'laHbogh vay''e' DaHevmeH Huch DaghajnIStaH.

I'm not sure the -'e' was required here, but it sure didn't hurt anything...
here is a nice relative clause example (antoher good -meH!)

>yapbe' HuchwIj yIjatlhchoH vaj qanuQbe' 'e' vInID.

Here is a good example of s sentence-as-object, showing the proper use of
the pronoun <'e'> "that" which people like to confuse with -'e', the noun
suffix topicallizer.

>chaq HolQeD DalaDlaHbe', 'ach pIch DaghajtaH!
>qaSpu' wa' jar wejlogh <-ghach> QIjlu'chu'.

Hm... I'm not sure about this.  Would this be better as <qaStaHvIS wa' jar>?

I'm having difficulty understanding this as it is.  {{:(

>QaQbej TKD De' 'ach mobbe' TKD.  law' De' Halmey.
>jabbI'IDghomDaq je De' lI' tu'lu'.  yIqIm!


Unless I am mistaken, you are saying "There is also useful data on this
list", right?  When you use <je> to mean "also", it has to go after the *verb*:

        jabbI'IDghomDaq De' lI' tu'lu' je

Or did I miss the meaning?

>"KLBC" jabbI'ID Dajangpu'mo' bIQaghpu' 'e' DachID.  maj.
>loQ batlh DaSuqqa'.  loQ. :-)
>..mughwI' yIchu'...engaging universal translator...

A very nice post... I hope all our beginners took the time to work their way
through this posting!  Although it was a bit lengthy, it had many
easy-to-understand sentences, and quite a few of the common words on the list.

majQa', 'ej qatlho'qu'qa'neS, ghunchu'wI'oy!


HoD trI'Qal, tlhIngan wo' Duj lIy So' ra'wI'
Captain T'rkal, Commander IKV Hidden Comet (Klingon speaker and net junkie!)
HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan yIvoqQo'!  toH... qatlh HaghtaH Qanqor HoD???
monlI'bogh tlhInganbe' yIvoqQo'!  SoHvaD monlI' trI'Qal...

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