tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 23 13:49:59 1996

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Mini batletlh


  Okay... so I don't know how to spell the damn thing (HIvqa' veqlargh!)
  For my birthday, my good friends got me a mini-batletlh.  It's 14.5 cm
  long (5.5 in) and looks just like the "real" thing.  Yes, you too can
  open letters using the way of the warrior {{{;-)
  I don't know how much they are, but the store also carries a bunch of
  other stuff.  If you want me to take a picture of it and put it up
  on the KLI site, I'll try to arrange it.
  To buy one, you can contace:  Galactic Imports (916) 444-2320  (this
  is Sacramento, CA).
  Let me know if you have any questions...


P.S.  Lawrence, this might be a good thing to re-sell through the KLI.
      Or something to put on a plaque as an award... Just a thought...

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