tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 20 20:53:42 1996

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Anyone: HELP!

I, as the senior Klingon officer in my sim group, have been tasked with
developing a handbook for a new Klingon Division. I would like some help
on translating a few things... First of all, I have come up with
Fek'lhr's Fang as a name for the division's flagship. I am unable to
find a word for "fang" in TKD. An alternate was Fek'lhr's Wrath, but I
was amazed to find no word for wrath in TKD... Surely the Klingons would
have a word for being pissed off... <g>  Also, I would like some
feedback on the following rank names, are these appropriate with Klingon
military structure?

 Admiral			Sa'
 Vice Admiral 			'ech
 Fleet Captain			yo'HoD
 Captain			HoD
 Commander			ra'wI'
 Lt. Commander			Sogh
 Lieutenant			lagh
 Lt. Junior Grade		Da'
 Ensign				Vaj

Also, I would like some input on posts. I tend to think Klingon ships
would be much more utilitarian than Federation ships, and thus most
likely have fewer crew... I envisioned this for a basic sim crew:

Commander			la'
First Officer			wa'DIch *
Navigator			chIjwI
Pilot				puvwI'
Gunner				baHwI'
Comm. Officer			QumpIn
Engineer			jonwI'

* I came up with *wa'DIch* for "first officer" based on *cha'DIch*, the
name for a second in the discommendation ritual...

|                    |
| Dargh QaQ, juH Doj |

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