tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 20 15:35:48 1996

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Re: juHHom chu' vIghajchoH

T::>SoS *yID DaDachu'.  choDIvmoHlaw'ta'.  :-)
 ::>DaHjaj tawIjvo' latlh vIchenmoHbej 'ej wa'leS vIngeHbej.

T::>juHHomlIj chu' Dalo'laHmo' qaHoy'.  DatIvchu'jaj.

T::>-- ghunchu'wI'

T::>* Don't try to look up {*yID}, folks -- it's a joke-word that Krankor
 ::>once used just to be funny.  In the context he used it, if it were a
 ::>real word, it would mean "be Jewish", but it isn't, so it doesn't.
 ::>Got it? :-)

 That reminds me - if I ask this in a "Judaism" forum, I'll be
 ridiculed out.

 How does a Jewish Klingon on Qo'noS pray in the direction of

Jeff Zeitlin                                      [email protected]
 � OLXWin 1.00b � If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

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