tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 20 05:09:43 1996

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RE: jIlIH'eghqa'

I missed a line in my cut-and-paste last time:

I'll introduce myself again.

>>> wa'wIj qab
>>> My first was bad.  ("first"??)
>>wa'DIch = First
>[Simply giving a word without explanation, or at least a reference to
>more information, is not all that helpful to a beginner, Perry.  We

I'll take what I can get. :)  Any and all help is appreciated!

>TKD section 5.2 discusses numbers.  At the bottom of page 54, the number

Another case of "my TKD wasn't near by at the time".

>so it's probably safer to use a noun to indicate, for instance, that one
>is referring to {paq wa'DIch} "the first *book*", or {lojmIt wejDIch}
>"the third *door*".
qab much wa'DIch

(I may be wrong in stretching "much" to mean "introduction")

>There's another problem that almost all of Mitchell's sentences exhibit:
>their word order is wrong.  The correct order of a simple Klingon sentence
>is OBJECT-VERB-SUBJECT.  The beginning of TKD chapter 6 describes the basic

I was lousy in English in school, and now it's comming back to haunt me... ;)
OK, time for remedial grammar 101.  Let's do an autopsy on one of my attempts:

jIlegh DI Dat!

The verb is clear enough: "legh".  I was writing these as if "rubble" was the subject.  I take it that "I" is the subject. There's no seperate noun, just a prefix. How about this:

DI Dat jIlegh!

I'm not sure of the "DI Dat" part. I'm not far along enough to know the rules for multiple nouns in a sentence, so I just packed them in there.  luja'? Qapla'a'?

Mitch Ross                  E-Mail: [email protected]
Haskins, OH      ICBM: N 41deg 27' 59"  W 83deg 42' 22"


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