tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Sep 20 10:04:25 1996

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Re: jIlIH'eghqa'


>Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 22:15:01 -0700
>From: "Kenneth Traft" <[email protected]>

>From: 	[email protected] on behalf of Alan Anderson
>Sent: 	Thursday, September 19, 1996 10:36 PM
>To: 	Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: 	Re: jIlIH'eghqa'

>>An ordinal number might be able to stand alone without a specific noun,
>>but the only example we have of this happening is the term {cha'DIch}
>>used with a particular ritual meaning (disturbingly similar to the idea
>>of a "second" in a duel).  It might not be generalizable to other uses,
>>so it's probably safer to use a noun to indicate, for instance, that one
>>is referring to {paq wa'DIch} "the first *book*", or {lojmIt wejDIch}
>>"the third *door*".

>Glen Prochel mentioned to me that ine the Skybox card S-15 Dr. Okrand used 
><<wa'DIch tlhIngan Dujmey>>  for first Klingon vessels.  He believes this puts 
>wa'DIch and other <<-DIch>> formed words in the adverb category.  

Interesting.  This isn't quite the same usage as was being discussed above,
so the question about "wa'DIch" for the elliptical noun "first" is still a

As to adverbs.  I'd have to re-look at the card in question, but it does
seem to be evidence that ordinals can be used as adverbs.  I remember I had
a question about that years ago, when I noticed that Krankor had used
"wa'DIch" adverbially in his Klingon Anthem taHjaj wo'.  I never really
felt fully comfortable with that usage, absent canon, but now perhaps I can
feel better about it.

>>I hope this helps, and I hope nobody gets mad at me for answering.  Usually
>>questions from beginners are handled by the Beginners' Grammarian ...

> I thought that as long as it did not contain KLBC it was in general domain 
>and that any member of the list could respond to it.

Well, not really.  If something is obviously a newcomer's post or
beginner's work, you should leave it for the BG.  After all, someone who
just comes on the list wouldn't know to use KLBC, and they're the ones who
need it most.


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