tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Sep 09 16:26:50 1996

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Re: klingon lullaby

96-09-09 00:55:31 EDT, jatlh trI'Qal:

> EXCELLENT re-cast for "morning will come"!  I like it!  The only thing that
>  might be wrong with this is *** DEBATE ALERT *** some people don't think
>  that you can use <vaJ> this way; that it is only used in "if/then"
>  contstructions.  I'm not going to bounce this, in the absence of
>  canon/clarification.

Who thinks that?  We have an excellent canon sentence, used in both Star Trek
III and TKD: {vaj Daleghpu'} "Then you have seen it."  There is no {-chugh},
and the context has no if/then structure.

>  QongDaqlutHey DaghItlhlI'.  maj!

Just a little note here: we have two definitions from charghwI''s page,

mark (upon) (v) {from Okrand's notes, HolQeD Vol. 2, No. 4} ["'To mark
(upon)' something is ghItlh. This isn't just writing; it's any kind of
marking. (Note that ghItlh, 'to write,' refers to the physical act of
writing. It doesn't mean 'to create a composition.')"] 

compose (v) {from Okrand's notes, HolQeD Vol. 2, No. 4} ["Actually, this is
the word translated in TKD as the verb "record," meaning to make a record of
something (whether this record be written or a digital recording or an
old-fashioned wax cylinder or anything). Apparently Klingon songs are not
composed by anybody - they're just out there, waiting to be hunted down,
trapped, and logged (that is, written down and/or taught to others.)

I'd suggest that {qon} would be the appropriate word here.

And why'd you use {-Hey}?  The subject line *says* it's a lullaby, so why
indicate that you're not sure about that?

QongDaqlut DaqonlI'

or maybe even

QongDaqbom DaqonlI'

Stardate 96692.4

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