tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Sep 04 16:30:52 1996

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Re: Klingonaase

At 03:35 PM 9/4/96 -0700, dpNoll wrote:
>I'd be careful as to what you call *canon* here.  Here, the definition is
>any sample designed by M.O. himself, so a sample can be canon, but I don't
>think calling he language itself canon is really appropriate.

Well, okay, sorry, but then tlhIngan Hol is the "official" language?

>Besides, the only reason Klingonaase is different is that it was used l-o-n-g
>before Marc Okrand was called in to do the language for the movies.

Well if that's so (and I don't know for sure myself), it still isn't the
"official" language, is it? I mean, Marc Okrand was the one called in to
create a language from scratch (save Doohan's jumble of phonemes) which
means that the Star Trek producers wanted to create an authentic sounding
language... now, if they wanted to, they could have kept "Klingonaase" as
the official language and then, well, there wouldn't be another Klingon
language (which Klingonaase is right now). I am wondering, though, why they
didn't pick this "Klingonaase". (I do not know much about Klingonaase myself.)

--Dark Viper-----------------------------

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