tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Nov 30 14:10:25 1996

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November 29, 1996 6:58 PM, jatlh Talon:

> nuqneH

Huch!  {{:-)

> jIH am just tagh to ghoj the tlhingan Hol, 'ej jIH cannot afford a tlhingan
> mu'ghom. jIH was wondering if tu'lu' some way to ghoj tlhingan without 'oH.

Arrgghh!!  Gasp!  Ugh!!  QI'yaH!

PLEASE don't try to mix English and Klingon sentences!  The grammar just isn't 
compatible!  Write in one or the other!

To answer your question:

tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom lo'nISlu'bejqu'.  wa' yIje'.  wa' Datu'laHbe'chugh, vaj 
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD "World Wide Web" Daq yISuch.  <>  pa' 
wa' Daje'laH.

You absolutely need to use The Klingon Dictionary.  Buy one.  If you cannot 
find one, visit the Klingon Language Institute's Web page.  You can buy one 

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96916.9

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