tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 29 14:57:34 1996

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RE: KLBC: Hov leng: tlhIngan *cd-rom*

>Anyway,I didnt find the word for "Trek" so I said *Hov leng*-is it good?

bIlughchu'!  Marc Okrand translated "Star Trek" as "Hov leng" in the
special Klingon issue of the Official Star Trek Fanclub's magazine _Star
Trek Communicator_ (#104, Aug-Sep 1995). In fact, he used it several times
in translating the titles of columns and feature articles in the magazine:
	Hov leng QumwI'		Star Trek Communicator
	Hov leng De' chu'	Star Trek Update
	Hov leng QeD		Treknology
	Hov leng ngoDHommey	Trekbits
As you discovered, this term isn't in the Dictionary so not everyone will 
recognize it, but someone posted it some time ago on this mailing list.
(That's one of the reasons I subscribe to this list: as a way to share
information otherwise unavailable.)

>I've understand u have it(the game is pretty easy but it's a great movie about 
>Klingons and the LanguageLab is cool!I've learned a lot from it).

I still haven't seen the progam as I don't have the computer hardware to
run it. But, there is now an audiotape version available, as well as a
paperback "novelization" (which you should avoid). Not a lot of Hol, but
it is a full cast recording of the story of Pok, complete with original
music and sound effects. Listen to it over stereo headphones and you'll be
treated to Worf whispering his advise in your left ear! The KLI may sell
it on its Merchant Page, you'll have to check. *Highly* recommended!

>	loDDoq

Kol tuv,

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