tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 28 12:30:31 1996

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KLBC: compounding


	OK, I've now been wondering about compounding things; not just
nouns and nouns, but with verbs as well, to form multi-noun-multi-verb
words/phrases.  Is there any restriction on this?  Otherwise I can see
that it would be easy for 5 people to come up with 5 different ways to say
the same English thought.

	For instance, a friend of mine glibly asked if I knew the tlhIngan
word for "menopause".  I came up with:

be' 'IwwI'be'  (woman who does not bleed)  [this looks horrible to say!]

However, I also though of (but haven't put together yet) something that
would translate loosely as "mid-life woman's blood stop", but it would be
much, much longer and contorted.

	Is there any way 'round this, or is that why we're all here
talking in tlhIngan Hol to each other, trying to figure it out??  Maltz,
where are you??


  / _ \                                     \        ** Andrew Netherton **
  \__)|         "VENI, VIDI VINNIE"          \ __    University of Waterloo
      \       I came, I saw my cousin.       |(_ \      Ontario, Canada
       \_____________________________________\___/       (519) 885-2717

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