tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 19 18:12:12 1996

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>"For a while?"  Unlike most other regular contributers on this list who read 
>and write their mail at work or between classes, I read and write my mail in 
>the evening, at home.  This means I start, oh, around midnight where you are.  
>Give me a chance to actually read the day's mail!

Hear hear! I check my mail twice a day, yet I still miss a lot of little
conversations. I wonder how people find time to participate in the list over
the whole course of the day. I feel really sorry for people who go by digest!

I was just thinking: I've always been interested in language, and I'm
curious what qualities a good professional linguist has. Also, what the heck
does one DO as a linguist. I mean, it's not like one would be constantly
innundated with grants and whatever {{;-)} Just wondering . . .

>Beginners' Grammarian
>Stardate 96887.2

-Adrian K (aka HurghwI')
      Stardate 96886.0
       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   vogh vIghoSchugh, pa' SoH
   / /    \ \  [email protected]
  |_,\    /  |
 /   \\  //\_|__
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