tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 19 17:57:35 1996

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RE: KLBC:2 items

At 03:33 PM 11/19/96 -0800, you wrote:
>jatlh 'orqut:
>>  "yIghaj jajQaQ" ( = Have a nice day?  Or would jajQaQ come first?)
>>  I realize no tlhIngan would ever say this, except sarcastically.  Then, of 
>>  course, that would imply that they have a sense of humor.  Doubtful.
>You're right.  No Klingon would say this.  Don't bother trying.
>(In the interest of grammar, though, let me address the phrase.  "Good day" 
>would be {jaj QaQ}.  Note the space; this is two words.  Do you want to 
>command someone to "have" it?  Does that make sense?  Another way out would be 
>to say {QaQjaj jaj} "May the day be good," but again, no Klingon would EVER 
>say anything like that!  Please don't try.)

Like SuStel indicated, the use of the word "have" here is unnusual, even for
English. Can one really possess a day? Be carefull when you translate, and
remember that some phrases in English don't have direct translations to
Klingon. This is a mistake I have often made myself {{;-)}

>>  Also, I never got a response on a word for "opera"
>>  "lutchuS'ughmey" (story with many musical instruments all over the place)
>I did send one, at some point.  Putting {-mey} on nouns which are not beings 
>and are not body parts does not give them a "scattered all about" connotation.
>For "opera," I'd probably just go with {bom'a'} or maybe even construct 
>{bomlut}.  Unless you can tell me what a {chuS'ugh} is exactly, I have no way 
>to know how to interpret your word above.  "story-chuS'ughs" makes little 
>sense to me.

Yes, a chuS'ugh is a specific KIND of instrument. It is not a word for
"instrument." I think {bomlut} is the best translation.

>Beginners' Grammarian
>Stardate 96886.9
       | \     HurghwI'
    .-|  |-.   vogh vIghoSchugh, pa' SoH
   / /    \ \  [email protected]
  |_,\    /  |
 /   \\  //\_|__
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