tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 19 07:27:17 1996

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Re: pIqaDqoq (was: diphthongs)

>Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 15:42:11 -0800
>From: "David Trimboli" <[email protected]>
>jatlh ~mark:
>Hee hee!  You weren't around when a bunch of us were trying to read pIqaDqoq 
>off of people's T-shirts at qep'a' wejDIch, were you?  I know ghunchu'wI' was, 
>as well as Qob and lo'rel, and, I think, janSIy.  What a struggle!  We really 
>had to work it out, letter by letter!  "That's a {gh}!  I know that!  And 
>that's . . . ummm . . . a {q}?  No, a {Q}?  I can't tell them apart . . ."
>The point is, few of us can read it anyway, so I for one will be glad if the 
>real thing ever gets done!  {{:-)

I've gotten okay at reading pIqaDqoq, though I must say I still don't like
it much.  What's interesting is that I saw somewhere a T-shirt advertised
(and worn) labeled "Klingon Defense Force" or something with the Klingon
also written in *the same pIqaD the KLI uses*.  The mapping is not unique
to the KLI, of course (the ILS uses it, and I think its publication
predates the KLI's very existence), but it is interesting that someone
bothered to use not only correct tlhIngan-Hol, but also *a* conventional
"pIqaD" mapping for the T-shirts.


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