tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 19 06:09:00 1996

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Re: <K'>vaD ghItlhlu''a'?

On 13 Nov 96 at 13:14, Dark Viper (mayq) wrote:

> Yes, but in transliteration, there is no letter "K" in the
> Klingon-Roman alphabet. To me it's like adding a "#" in the middle
> of a name. It just isn't done, and isn't pronouncable to Klingons.

And it makes the name "un-lookup-able" in my tlhIngan Hol lokup
program (the one I keep the NAMES.LST list for as a datafile),
because that one only lets you input (romanised versions of)
existing pIqaD characters.

So basically I add those names only because some people like to use
my list for other purposes (that's why it's also onlinne on my web
site now).

Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/247.5@Fido, 162:100/100.2@Agora,
     74:3108/101.5@QuaZie, 27:2331/201.5@SigNet, 606:3130/200.2@F1-net
           'avwI' nejDI' narghta'bogh qama' reH 'avwI' Sambej

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