tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 15 19:13:50 1996

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Re: help with this.

>It certainly depends on the speaker, but it can depend on the listener
>too.  I distinctly hear the difference between {q} and {Q} on the tapes.
>It's very similar to the difference I hear between the initial sounds of
>the words "two" and "chew".

On September_28, I had the honour and pleasure of sitting in the front row
as Marc_Okrand gave a presentation on the history and some of the practice
of the Klingon language at the opening of the Ontario Science Centre's
exhibit on Star Trek paraphernalia.  After the more formal part of
the presenation, he took questions and I specifically asked him about the
pronunciation of {H}, {q} and {Q}.  His answer was that {H} was the "ch"
in Bach (*), that {q} was [a rasping sound made totally at the back of the
throat -- my description -- no English equivalent] and that {Q} was the
same sound as {q} "but with an attitude" [his words].  This would seem to
be at variance with your description of "two" vs. "chew".  Perhaps this
might be taken as further evidence that many {tlhInganpu'} speak with
different accents?


qrlIH veStaySortlhIH Sogh la'       Lt. Commander K'rlikh Vestai-Shor-Klikh
tlhIngan wo' Duj qIj leng ra'wI'    Commanding Officer, IKV Black Odyssey
Qanpu' pogh DuQ cha'DIch ra'wI'     Deputy C.O., Mailed Glove Squadron


Denny Shortliffe

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