tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 15 15:30:11 1996

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pIqaDqoq (was: diphthongs)

jatlh qrlIH:

>  >The font available from the KLI is just a fan 
>  This appears to me to be somewhat muddy thinking.  How can you 
>  distinguish
>  the validity of a fan writing system from a fan language?

Well, as far as the KLI goes, I believe that the official policy is that 
anything done by Marc Okrand is canon tlhIngan Hol; anything else done is 
theory and noncanonical.

>  Or is it your
>  thesis that, since Marc Okrand was *PAID* to create the language for
>  Paramount, that it's *NOT* a fan language, even though the bulk of the
>  speakers/writers (I'm counting numbers here -- I'm a democrat) are fans? 

I'm not saying that being a fan invalidates something created.  If that were 
so, then we wouldn't be using Okrand's language at all; he rather likes the 
original series of Star Trek.

This is just the age-old question of what is canon.  Even I use the KLI pIqaD 
font sometimes (I love showing off the tlhIngan Hol yejHaD mug I got at qep'a' 
wejDIch), but I acknowledge that someone less than official created the 
meanings of the letters.  Since Okrand created the language, I accept him as 
the only official source, becuase otherwise no one would agree on who can 
create new words, new constructions, or new ways to read pIqaD.

>  Especially since the writing system appears in Paramount's movies and TV
>  shows?  (Of course, in this case the writing doesn't actually *MEAN*
>  anything, but that's another debate!)

The writing system appears, yes.  But we don't know how it is to be used!  We 
don't even know if the symbols represent sounds, syllables, words, frogs, 

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96875.9

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