tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 14 17:25:19 1996

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"Let He Who Is Without Sin"

For those who missed it, haven't yet seen it, or simply don't like Star 
Trek, a new "Paramount Hol" word was used in the latest Deep Space Nine 
episode, "Let He Who Is Without Sin."  Worf was talking to Dax and said, 
"Since you are my {parmach'ay'}...[rest of quote omitted]"  Note that 
this is my best possible guess at the syllables he pronounced.  If you 
hate people trying to figure out a possible way in hell to make *any* 
sense of Paramount-butchered {tlhIngan Hol}, read no further.

If we take the liberty of accepting {parmach} as the Klingon noun for 
"love with aggressive overtones" (admittedly a *very* big liberty for 
many), then it is conceivable that a {parmach'ay'} is literally a 
"section [part] of love."  Imagine love as being a collective thing made 
up of two individuals, who are each parts of it.  Therefore, we have 
{parmach'ay'}, a grammatically correct compound noun translating as 
"section of love!"  Since most people would rather not even think about 
Paramount's butchering of the language much less read about it here, if 
you would like to respond to this by private E-Mail, please do so!


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